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Friday, 31 May 2013

Summer Scams and Crime – 27 May 2013

          Summertime is a great time of year to get outdoors and stretch the legs. It can also be a great time of year to spark up some old crime favourites. A lot of these endeavours are made possible as a result of increased freedom of movement and plain old increased goodwill. That is, people are happier and more easily approached and cajoled into hearing some line being spewed out by some fraudster or other kind of bad guy which just doesn't happen as easily in the wintertime. Largely, these crime involve foot traffic increases and include things like an increase in swarming crime, sexual assaults and petty theft as people have a tendency of leaving things outside. It also brings along some summertime favourites in the scam department as door to door sales personnel take advantage of people being outside to make their opening pitches for their crap products. Police can help out in some of these circumstances, but where they can't, a private investigator can help out. Check out the latest Elemental Solutions blog for our discussion of the week!

Blog post is courtesy Elemental Investigations: Private Investigator Edmonton, an Edmonton, Canada based private investigator agency. They can be found online at